All Lanes are Bike Lanes 7.75" L x .75" H
All Terrain Vehicle 4.5" H x 1" L
All-Weather Cyclist 4.75" L x 1" H
Bike Love 4.5" L x 1.5 " H
Bike to Work, Work to Eat, Eat to Live, Live to Bike 7.5" L x 1.25" H
Bike Nerds Unite 4.5" L x 1" H
Bikes, Love, Rock & Roll 4.5" L x 1.75" H
Carfree and Carefree 4.5" L x 2" H
City Bike 2.5" L x 2" H
Evolution 8.5" L x 3" H
Make America Bike Again 8" L x 1.25" H
On Your Left! 3.5" L x 1" H
Put the Fun Between Your Legs 3.5" L x 4.5" H
Stingray Bike 2.5" L x 4.5" H
Visualize Bicycles Everywhere 7.5" L x 1" H
When Bicycle Wheels Turn, It Must Be A Revolution 9' L x 1.75 H
Work Hard, Play Hard, Ride Bikes 4.5" L x 2" H